Everyone Wants an App
Almost every startup or newish enterprise has a desire to build an app and get it into the main two app stores. The key problem with app development (if you're not technically proficient or knowledgeable) is how to cut through the crap and answer some key questions such as:
#1: How do I find someone to build my app ?
#2: How do I know that they are any good ?
#3: How do I know that they will not simply outsource my app ?
#4: How do I know what is a reasonable cost for an app ?
To be fair though, the first question to answer is - is there a business case for us to spend money on getting an app developed ? Whilst the term 'business case' strikes fear into most people, it doesn't need to - it really is simply a case of assessing value against cost. Note that I said value here because valuable benefits do not need to be tangible and measurable but rather could be qualitative.
Approaching the development of an app in a structured, logical, time tested process is the way to go of course. In upcoming posts, we'll take a look at how we go about answering the above questions in detail for startups and SMB's.
In the meantime, if you'd like to get a headstart on answering these questions, click here.